

一般情况下我们搬离了多伦多市区(The City of Toronto),比如你搬到密西沙加去了,那么一般的情况下你就失去了免费使用多伦多图书卡的资格。为什么?很简单,你搬离了多伦多,你交给政府的税不会分到多伦多了,你就失去资格继续免费试用多伦多图书资源。

首先我们看看什么人能得到免费图书卡,官方说明: "Who can get a library card?"

Who can get a library card? (谁可以得到多伦多图书卡?)

You're entitled to a free library card if you:

live in the City of Toronto (住在多伦多市内)

work in the City of Toronto (在多伦多市区工作)

go to school in the City of Toronto, or (在多伦多市区上学)

own property in the City of Toronto (在多伦多市区有物业)

所以,我们看到居住条件只是其中之一,假如你在多伦多范围内工作,学习或有物业在City of Toronto,你仍然是符合条件使用多伦多图书馆资源的!


需要提供什么证明? 笔者的情况是仍然在老地方工作,所以笔者提供的证明材料是个人最近工资单,上面一定要有工作单位的地址。假如没有地址,就必须让工作单位给开具工作证明。


**Non-residents who work, go to school, or own property in Toronto**

Name and address identification as listed above, plus one of the following (issued within the last two months of the registration or renewal date):

current property deed or other proof of property ownership in Toronto

current pay stub or other current, official proof of employment in Toronto, e.g. letter of employment on official business stationery, employee photo ID card with employment address

current Toronto student card

for teens, current letter from a teacher on official school stationery verifying school attendance in Toronto

The original link is this one.

我的小孩能继续使用多伦多图书卡吗 ?
