Ikea Vaughan 2018年度小龙虾节的票已经售完


某知名华人网站前几日推荐的 Ikea 旺市的瑞典式小龙虾自助餐活动,票已经卖完。想去参加但还没有买票的网友请不要浪费时间再去那里。


但是,等我们兴冲冲开车去买票的时候,被告知总共 200 张票已经全部卖完了。真的有点扫兴啊。只能等明年了。


但是,Ikea Vaughan 的官网还在打这个活动的广告,很多人不断上门去购票,这就有点不对了。Ikea官网更新太慢!


Come and Celebrate with us!

The Crayfish party, or Kraftskiva in Swedish, is one of the most iconic traditions in Sweden. Join us on Wednesday August 15 at 5pm to 8pm for the IKEA Crayfish party with a hot and cold buffet of crayfish, meatballs, salmon and desserts with fun Swedish entertainment.

_Tickets are available for purchase at the IKEA Restaurant & Café & Swedish Food Market

Adults $22.99

IKEA FAMILY members $19.99

Children (12 & under) $9.99_


PZOK.com was told all 200 tickets had been sold out !

PZOK.com 被告知所有 200 张小龙虾节自助餐的票已经卖完!