Capital One Costco Cash Back Rebate Coupon Delivered 信用卡返现Coupon到了


基本每年一月份是和Costco 合作的信用卡公司返现的月份。请仔细查你家的Costco 账单,最近一到二周 Capital One 会将 Cash Back Rebate Coupon 随账单邮寄到你家中,不要忽略了。


下面就是邮寄来的Rebate Coupon,你可以去任何一家 Costco 店里买东西或兑换成现金,请注意一定要在 2017年7月31日前用掉!必须带原coupon去,不要拿coupon照片,不接受电子件。 (Bring your paper coupon to any Costco Wholesale warehouse in Canada – electronic coupons will NOT be accepted, redeem it for cash or almost anything else in warehouse, before July 31, 2017


请记住:Capital One 的MasterCard 不仅仅是用于 Costco 才有返现,用在其它地方一样返现。比如任何地方加油都有 2% 返现。

Remember, the Capital One Platinum MasterCard allows you to earn cash back virtually everywhere – not just at Costco:

3% cash back on restaurant purchases;

2% on gas purchases;

up to 1% on all other purcahses.